Sunday, February 22, 2015


During the Melukat ritual, devotees bathe in the cleansing holy water of a spring, waterfall, beach, or any other water source for purification of the body and soul. Aimed at preventing misfortune and bad luck it is also a way of cleansing ones self from the metaphysical sicknesses and bad energy caused by our daily activities and sinful actions (Klesa)

All humans are born and live with Chitta (positive characteristics) and Klesa (negative characteristics). Klesa is made up of 5 elements:
Awidia (stupidity)
Asmita (egoism and arrogance)
Raga (desire)
Dwesa (anger and revenge)
Abhiniwesa (fear)
If these five negative characteristics begin to dominate we must cleanse ourselves and hence the importance of the Melukat ceremony/ritual.
One of the most popular places do this, in Bali, is Tirta Empul Temple north of Ubud in Central Bali...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Baliese Dance..

Balinese dance and music are also justly famous and a major attraction for visitors to the island. As on neighbouring Java, the gamelan orchestra and wayang kulit shadow puppet theatre predominate. Dances are extremely visual and dramatic, and the most famous include:
Barong or "lion dance" — a ritual dance depicting the fight between good and evil, with performers wearing fearsome lion-like masks. This dance is often staged specifically for tourists as it is one of the most visually spectacular and the storyline is relatively easy to follow. Barong dance performances are not hard to find.
Calonarang — a spectacular dance which is a tale of combating dark magic and exorcising the evil spirits aligned with the witch-queen Rangda.
The story has many variations and rarely are two calonarang plays the same. If you can find an authentic Calonarang performance, then you are in for a truly magical experience.
Kecak or "monkey dance" — actually invented in the 1930s by resident German artist Walter Spies for a movie but a spectacle nonetheless, with up to 250 dancers in concentric circles chanting "kecak kecak", while a performer in the centre acts out a spiritual dance. An especially popular Kecak dance performance is staged daily at Uluwatu Temple.

Legong Keraton — perhaps the most famous and feted of all Balinese dances. Performed by young girls, this is a dance of divine nymphs hailing from 12th century Java. Try to find an authentic Legong Keraton with a full-length performance. The short dance performances often found in tourist restaurants and hotels are usually extracts from the Legong Keraton.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Babi Guling ( Suckling Pig )

Babi guling (suckling pig)
Pork dishes are relatively hard to find across the mostly Muslim Indonesian archipelago, but Bali's famed suckling pig makes any roaming traveler's wait worthwhile.
While strictly speaking a suckling pig should still be feeding on its mother's milk, in Bali the pigs used in this popular dish can weigh about 70 kilograms (150 pounds).

They are rubbed with turmeric then stuffed with a "base gede," or spice paste, which usually includes a combination of coriander seeds, lemongrass, Asian lime leaves and salam leaves, chillies, black pepper, garlic, red shallots, ginger and kencur (lesser galangal).
The pig is roasted on a spit over coconut husks or wood to tender perfection.
When ordering a plate, expect sliced meat, a few pieces of satay, caramelized crackling and more obscure parts, like crispy intestines -- this is nose-to-tail dining at its most traditional.

"The skin is served crispy and the meat is always tender -- they also offer a special that is served with rice and spicy soup which is delicious."
MORE: The making of Bali's incredible pig roast
Lawar is often seasoned with fresh blood.

Lawar is often seasoned with fresh blood.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Rice Paddy

There are four words for rice namely :
  • ·         Padi is growing rice plant(hence paddy fields).
  • ·         Gabah is rice after harvesting.
  • ·         Beras is uncooked grain.
  • ·         Nasi is cooked rice.

As Nasi goring( fried rice ) and nasi putih( plain rice).A rice field is called Sawah.The whole rice field has a farmer organization called “Subak”.

The Subak as an organization of the farmers Wet Rice agriculture,especially as practiced  in Bali,is far too complex and requires too much regulation,particularly in conditinating use of irrigation system,for one farmer to practice alone or even in conjunction with a few others.Consequently,a highly specialized farm of agricultural association has evolved over the centuries in Bali to coordinate the maximal usage of the environment for the growing of the wet rice .These irrigation cooperative,knows as “Subak” are responsible for the allocation of water resourse,and maintenance of irrigation networks,for coordinating planting and for insuring that all religious rituals to insure good harvests are performed.
Subak organizations are usually comprised of all individuals owning land irrigated by a single dam and major canal.The water form a single subak dam may be divided intio dozens and even hundreds of channels to irrigate to terraced sawah.In determining the many issues involved in wet rice cultivation ( when to plant,who is responsible for cleaning and guarding canals,regulating water flow,etc) group votes are taken.Each subak members has one votes regardless of the size of his holding.Generally,all subak leaders are elected by group decision.Thus,for the entire peasant farmer’s expertise in using his environment for we rice,without the subak to coordinate activities it is unlikely that the sawah system could  ever reached its current  level of pervasiveness’ efficiency and productivity.
Subak in Bali does not belong to the Banjar and has own leader.The people who become the Subak members are not always the same  people who become the Banjar members.The Subak members are the oweners or the people who work  on the rice field that getting water irrigation from the dams regulated  by a Subak organization.Not all of the Subak members live in the same banjar.On the other hand,there could be a Banjar members  who has many rice fields in different areas and get the water irrigation from the dams organized by several Subaks.Therefore this Banjar member will join himself in all of the Subak where his rice fields located.
Subak irrigation sytem besides as an appropriate techonological sytem,but as a cultural sytem as well.This phenomenon indicate that basically subak irrigation.
Sytem is a techonoligical sytem that has been  develoved  as a part of cultural society.Because subak sytem is  viewed as a techonogical sytem,so this sytem has an ability to be transformed.Meanwhile limitation of the ability of subak irrigation sytem  to overcome the extreme conditions,basically can be solved through the harmony and togetherness,based on the Tri Hita Karana ( THT) principle as basic of subak sytem.Furthermore,through inverse technique,it can be seen the ability of subak sytem,that can 

Monday, February 9, 2015

White Water Rafting

Rafting or white water rafting is the recreational outdoor activity of using an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. This is often done on white water or different degrees of rough water, in order to thrill and excite the raft passengers. The development of this activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid-1970s, evolving from individuals paddling 10 feet (3.0 m) rafts with double-bladed paddles to multi-person rafts propelled by single-bladed paddles and steered by a tour guide at the stern. It is considered an extreme sport, and can be fatal.

Otherwise known as the International Scale of River Difficulty, below are the six grades of difficulty in white water rafting. They range from simple to very dangerous and potential death or serious injuries.

Grade 1: Very small rough areas, might require slight maneuvering. (Skill level: very basic)
Grade 2: Some rough water, maybe some rocks, might require some maneuvering. (Skill level: basic paddling skill)
Grade 3: Whitewater, small waves, maybe a small drop, but no considerable danger. May require significant maneuvering.
Grade 4: Whitewater, medium waves, maybe rocks, maybe a considerable drop, sharp maneuvers may be needed.
Grade 5: Whitewater, large waves, large volume, possibility of large rocks and hazards, possibility of a large drop, requires precise maneuvering.
Grade 6: Class 6 rapids are considered to be so dangerous that they are effectively unnavigable on a reliably safe basis. Rafters can expect to encounter substantial whitewater, huge waves, huge rocks and hazards, and/or substantial drops that will impart severe impacts beyond the structural capacities and impact ratings of almost all rafting equipment. Traversing a Class 6 rapid has a dramatically increased likelihood of ending in serious injury or death compared to lesser class

Enjoy Rafting in Bali at Telaga Waja River

Experienace a unique and unforgettable journey through winding gorges,luscious jugles,and magnificent terraced rice field.Paddle through breathtaking waterfall for unparalleled fun on the river.After two hours on the trip,we arrive at thr finish point  and refresh with welcome drink and continue challenging experience and then take buffet lunch.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tenganan Village

Tenganan Pegringsingan is a village in the regency of Karangasem in Bali, Indonesia. Before the 1970s was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded societies of the archipelago. Rapid changes have occurred in the village since the 70's, such as the development of local communications by the central government, the opening up to tourism, the breaking of the endogamic rules.  Tourists are attracted to Tenganan by its unique Bali Aga culture that still holds to the original traditions, ceremonies and rules of ancient Balinese, and its unique village layout and architecture.
It is known for its Gamelan selunding music and geringsing double ikat textiles. Village layout Houses in Tenganan Pegringsingan village are built on either side of the north to the south concourse with their doors opening on to it. The entrances of the houses are narrow, only allowing one person to enter or leave at any one time. One enters the village through the gate on the southern end. On either side of the entrance are two small temples. Across from these is the long balĂ© agung, where the administrative decisions for the village are made. Next to that is the drum tower (kul-kul). The kul-kul is beaten 21 times each morning to start the day.Up the center are a series of communal pavilions (balĂ© banjar) for formal and informal meetings, ceremonial gatherings. At the northern end is the village temple Pura Puseh, the temple of origin. The People of Tenganan Pegringsingan The people of Tenganan Pegringsingan are called Bali Aga—the original Balinese. They descend from the pre-Majapahit kingdom of Pegeng. There are strict rules as to who is allowed to live in the village. Only those born in the village can stay in the village and become full members of the community. There are rules regarding marriage and anyone who marries outside of the village has to leave. A strict protocol regarding marriages among the kin groups have steered the Tengananese through the genetic perils of intermarriage although with increasing contact with the outside world these rules have relaxed somewhat. Rites and Rituals Many of the life-cycle rituals of the Tengananes are similar to those of the Balinese in general, but have subtle differences. Some ceremonies are unique. One of the distinguishing features is the use of geringsing. By virtue of their magical qualities geringsing are not only capable of keeping impurities and danger out of the village, but also shield and protect humans from baleful influences during rites of passage as they transition from one phase of life to the next. The Tengananese receive their first geringsing at the hair cutting ritual. His hair is cut and placed in a basket which is placed on a folded geringsing on the balĂ© tengah, on which the Tegananese both enters and leaves the world.
In the ceremony that admits a boy or girl to the youth association of the village, they are carried in a geringsing

Friday, February 6, 2015

Parade of Gebogan

In every ceremony in the Hindus temple, the Hindus usually make offerings to the God called Gebogan. There are two kinds of gebogan: First is gebogan that contains with Balinese flowers. Second gebogan which contains with Balinese fruit. Gebogan dedicated to God is the kind gebogan contain with Balinese fruits. Basically, they are arrangements of fruit, colorful flowers, chicken roasted and sweet cakes stacked on top of one another, forming cylindrical towers. These objects are not always combined together, however, and you will often find gebogan made up of either just flowers or fruit, depending on the purpose. The offerings are attached to a banana tree trunk by sharp bamboo skewers. The base of a gebogan can be either a wooden dulang or a metal bokor which support the weight of the tower. Coconut-leaf decorations, known as sampian, ornament the top of the offerings.
 What is included in gebogan will vary from one part of Bali to another based on local tradition. But the offering is always a gorgeous sight to be hold. After they finished to make the Gebogan they bring it to the temple to be prayed over. Once all the rituals are over, the gebogan are taken home and the food is shared amongst family and friends. Since food spoils quickly in the tropics, it is either consumed straight away or given away to visitors. If you ever visit Balinese post-ceremony time, they will surely offer you fruit and cakes which come straight off a gebogan. Traditionally, gebogan only served as offerings to God and were symbolic of all that is found in nature. These days, however, gebogan also function as decorations or ornaments for hotels, parties, special occasions, just like ornamental bamboo poles (penjor)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Menjangan Isaland

Menjangan Island is a small island, located 5 miles to the north-west of Bali island and is part of the Indonesian archipelago. "Menjangan" in Indonesian means "Deer". The name was given by the local population observing wild deer herds swimming to the island every spring and covering a distance of approx 1.2 miles.

The island is considered to be an important part of the local tourism industry, because its marine fauna incorporates one of the best-preserved coral reefs in the area. All scuba-diving shops arrange daily trips to the island.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sunfish ( Mola in Bali )

A sunfish (or mola) is any fish in the Mola genus (family Molidae). The fishes develop their truncated, bullet-like shape because the back fin, with which they are born, never grows. Instead, it folds into itself as the creature matures, creating a rounded rudder called a clavus. Mola in Latin means "millstone" and describes the ocean sunfish’s somewhat circular shape. They are a silvery color and have a rough skin texture.

The mola are the heaviest of all the bony fish, with large specimens reaching 14 ft (4.3 m) vertically and 10 ft (3.0 m) horizontally and weighing nearly 5,000 lb (2,300 kg). Sharks and rays can be heavier, but they are cartilaginous fish.

Mola are found in temperate and tropical oceans around the world. They are frequently seen basking in the sun near the surface and are often mistaken for sharks when their huge dorsal fins emerge above the water. Their teeth are fused into a beak-like structure, and they are unable to fully close their relatively small mouths.

Ocean sunfish can become so infested with skin parasites, they will often invite small fish or even birds to feast on them. Sunfish will even breach the surface up to 10 ft (3.0 m) in the air, in an attempt to shake the parasites.

They are clumsy swimmers, waggling their large dorsal and anal fins to move, and steering with their clavus. Their food of choice is jellyfish, though they will eat small fish and huge amounts of zooplankton and algae, as well. They are harmless to people, but can be very curious and will often approach divers.

Their population is considered stable, though they frequently are snagged in drift gill nets and can suffocate on sea trash, like plastic bags (which resemble jellyfish).

Chances to see Sunfish - Mola Mola in Bali are good at anytime from June to November.
To increase your chances of encounters with greater numbers of Sunfish - Mola Mola in Bali we suggest to have a look at the following dates before planning your 2015 Bali Sunfish adventure.

July 13 - July 24
July 28 - August 06
August 10 - August 20
August 27 - September 06
September 10 - September 18
September 25 - October 03
October 08 - October 17
October 25 - October 31
November 07 - November 12

Bali Swing