Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mass Creamation

Mass cremation in Bali.
Doing creamation will spend lots of money and Energy,Balinese funerals are very expensive and the body may be interred until the family can afford it or until there is a group funeral planned by the village or family when costs will be less.It's call Mass Creamation ( Ngaben Massal )

Mass cremations are never simple. There is a pervasive belief that no expense should be spared for the final send off of the soul and any skimping constitutes disrespect to the departed. A cheap cremation is considered a rather bad way to start ones afterlife. These ceremonies can, and do cost millions of Rupiah which can severely tax the families resources as hundred of people are involved in the lead up to the grand day which can take weeks and even months of preparation. Not only are the spirits impressed by a grand cremation, but the family gains prestige and status in the village with a costly ceremony.

Balinese people aren’t stressed about much, but the one thing that can create overwhelming tension is the inability to afford to cremate your parents and family.  In the past, cremations have financially ruined poor and middle class families alike who by tradition must provide a suitable cremation ceremony for their loved ones which can cost thousands of dollars.  When you are a farmer earning hundreds of dollars a year…it could have meant selling your land or not putting your kids in school

Fortunately, many Balinese villages have adopted the practice of mass cremations where all of the people who die over a five-year or so period are cremated at the same time.  This mass cremation helps because it allows richer families to subsidize poor ones and permits every family to perform their sacred obligations to their loved ones.

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