Saturday, February 24, 2018

Taman Ayun

Taman Ayun
Taman Ayun,which means beautiful garden,with a panoramic view of beautiful water park empire,captivating also cool water,this place is very attractive and suitable to servce as spritual attraction,rt and culture where tourist seemed to be in the heday of the royal Mengwi.Taman Ayun is a true symbol of the nobility charm.

Taman Ayun Located in the village of Mengwi,Badung,approximately 30 minutes driver to north of the city of Denpasar.It was precisely constructed in 1634 bt the first king of the Kingdom of Mengwi,I Gusti Agung Ngurah Made Agung Sakti or Tjokorda Blambangan.Taman Ayun Temple serve as a source of irrigation,Pura mother and unifying the community.Irrigation fuction indicated by the pools that surround the temple thats used by farmers to be used as a source of irrogation,in which water pools were channeled to the rice fields around the temple.Mother Temple and unifying function,indicated by the prensense of the temple as a place of worship for the people who the same ancestral lineage,so as to unite them as a big family.

Given the history of the establishment and its functions,it can be said Taman Ayun Temple is a combination of natural beauty and springs with the expertise of a king Tjokorda Way Blambangan successfully intergrate into a beautiful place as well as  build an irrigation system for the prosperity of its people.A perfevt  harmony between  man and nature  that should be preserved.Taman Ayun Temple is in order  with the concept of the traditional Balinese garden surrounded by an artificial river with  a variety of rare plant species typical of Bali.The beauty of the landscape coupled with the sacred building Meru overlas SOLAS ( the building with the roof of the fibers that accumulte above amounts to eleven ) Meru typify sthana believed to be a sacred place of the gods.

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