Thursday, March 15, 2018


Cremation is a ceremony of burning corpse conducted by Hindu people in Bali.This ceremony is conducted to purify the spirits of the deceased toward the final resting place by means of burning corpse.Creamation is done with a series of ceremonies,made up of variety of offerings not to forget laced with symbol like other rituals that are often performed by Hindu people in Bali.

The death bodies are placed in" Bade/coffin "and carried jointly.All members of the family and community lined up in front of "Bade/coffin".On the way to the cremation ceremony,if there is any intersection or junction,the Bade/coffin will be rotated around three times,it is believed that the spirits are confused and cannot come back again.Arriving at the grave site or the cremation place which has been prepared ,the corpse is put/placed on/in " Bull-Shaped Replcation " which has been firstly prepared by the priest reciting mantras and prayers and ceremonies,then Ngaben ceremony is implemented,the "Bull " is burned to ashes.The ashes from the residu of the cremation are inserted into an yellow palm fruit (coconut ) which later floated/washed away into the sea or river considered sacred.

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